domingo, 3 de maio de 2020

2ºA,B,C,D  - Inglês Professora Ângela

Assista aos vídeos abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( caso não tenha como digitar no Word faça no caderno COM LETRA LEGÍVEL), tire foto e envie para meu email:    data entrega: 06/05/2020   NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SÉRIE.

 copiar no caderno: 

O future GOING TO é usado nas seguintes situações:

  • Planned or Prepared action. 

Next year my husband and I are going to go to Brazil. 

  • SURE ( Você tem certeza que algo vai acontecer)

We found the perfect house. We are going to buy it tomorrow morning. 


I am going to study English.
I am not going to study English.
Am I going to study English?
You -  We - They 
You are going to study English. 
We are not going to study English.
Are they going to study English?
He - She - It
He is going to study English. 
She is not going to study English.
Is he going to study English?

  • GONNA (Informal contexts)

Gonna = going to 
Gonna é somente usado em situações informais. Sempre vai precisar do verbo to be e pode ser usado nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. 

Exemplos abaixo:

I am gonna study English tomorrow = I am going to study English tomorrow. 
Are you gonna do that? = Are you going to do that?
She is not gonna go to the party tonight.  = She is not going to go to the party tonight.
They are gonna visit Brazil in a week.  = They are going to visit Brazil in a week.
She is gonna play soccer next year.  = She is going to play soccer next year. 

Signal words:

Tomorrow, next year, in one month, in two years, next semester, next week. 

Exercícios (entregar)

1. Passe as frases para as formas negativas e interrogativas:

  1. I am going to go to the mall next Saturday.

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

      b) My dad is going to buy a new car. 

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

    c) My husband and I are going to travel to San Francisco in our next vacation. 

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

d) My sister is going to visit me next year.

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

 Copiar no carderno

O future WILL é usado nas seguintes situações:

  • Decisoes espontaneas 
Ex. Wait, I will help you wash the dishes

  • Uma promessa 
Ex. Santa, if you give me a bike for Christmas,  I promise I will be a good girl next year

  • Incerteza 
Ex. I think I will go to the mall tomorrow night

  • Previsão do futuro
Ex. It will rain tomorrow.

Ou seja, em geral o futuro WILL é usado para aquilo que você não tem muita certeza. When you are NOT SURE. 

I will work tomorrow
I will not work tomorrow
Will I work tomorrow?
He/ she/ it will work tomorrow 
He/ she/ it will not work tomorrow 
Will he work tomorrow?
you/ we / they will work tomorrow 
you/ we / they will not work tomorrow 
Will you work tomorrow ?

  • I will not =  I won’t 
  • I will = I’ll 
  • I will not = I’ll not

Exercícios (Entregar)

  1. Passe para a negativa e interrogativa.

Tomorrow I will go to the grocery store.

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

I think my brother will come to the party tonight

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

My mom and my dad will start English classes next year

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

It will snow next week 

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

2. Complete as frases usando o futuro will e os verbos em parênteses. 

  1. We __________ (save) the planet.
  2. Tomorrow the sun ____________ (shine) again.
  3. My brother ____________ (visit) me next year.

3. Complete com o verbo adequado.

When I am older … ( Quando eu ficar mais velho …)
1.Will Help  2. Will Buy  3. Will Have  4. Will Go

  • When I am older I ___________ kids.
  • When I am older I ____________ a house.
  • When I am older I ____________ to Europe.
  • When I am older I ____________ other people.

     Copiar no caderno 

    Future Will x Going to
  •  Will - Decisao imediata, rápida. ( believe, think, probably)
I think I will buy a new car. 
I believe I will go to Brazil next year. 

  •  Going to - Decisão tomada antes da fala. É algo mais planejado  e por causa disso, se torna um futuro mais certo (sure).

Why did you buy tickets to Brazil?
Because I am going to visit my family next year. 

Exercise! ( Entregar)
Complete with Will or going to 

  1. I am really tired. I think I ______ rest a little bit.
  2. Why are you selling your car? I _________ to buy a new one. 
  3. Would you like some coffee? Yes, I _______ have some, thank you!
  4. We have already decided. We _________ to buy a new house. 
  5. What are your plans for the weekend? We believe we ________ stay home. 
  6.  Do you want some soup or pasta? I _____ have some pasta, please. 
  7. We need more milk. I _______ ask my brother to get some more.
  8.  We promise next year we _______ go to Brazil.
  9. I have a headache. 
         Lay down a little bit. I _____ get you an aspirin. 
      10. Look at the sky! It _______ rain.

sábado, 2 de maio de 2020

2ºE Língua Portuguesa Prof Ângela

Assista aos vídeos abaixo, leia os textos, copie e responda os dois questionários sobre o romantismo no Word e envie para meu email:    não esqueça de colocar nome, nº e série Data entrega: 15/05/2020

3ºA,B,C,D  Língua Portuguesa - Prof Ângela
 Assista aos vídeos sobre Macunaíma de Mario de Andrade e copie e responda os exercícios no Word e envie para meu email entrega até: 11/05/2020
não esqueca de colocar nome, nº e série

2ºE Língua Portuguesa - Profª Ângela

 Atividade de Produção de texto

copie e respondas as questões abaixo no Word e envie para meu email não esqueça do  nome, número e série data entrega até: 09/05/2020

2ºE Atividade de Língua Portuguesa - revisão gramática

copie e responda os exercícios abaixo no Word e envie para meu email:

não esqueça de colocar nome, nº e série     data de entrega até: 08/05/2020