sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2020

7ºC Inglês - Climate Change - Profª Ângela

    Assista ao vídeos abaixo, responda aos exercícios em sua Apostila e em caderno de inglês

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não esqueça de colocar nome, número e série  data entrega: 26/06

Past simple


Follow the example

Regular verbs

Aff: Last night my sister washED the dishes

Neg: Last night my sister DIDN'T WASH the dishes

Int: What did your sister do last night?

Follow the example!

Follow the example

Aff: Last year my brother ________ (live) in another state.


Inter: ______________________________________________________________________


Aff: My mom ______________ ( watch) tv last night.




Follow the example

1. What did you do last night?

Ex: Last night I cleaned my house

And you?

What did you do last night?


Did you dance last night?

Yes, I did.

No, I did not.

Now it is your turn!

Did you wash the dishes last night?

Yes, _____________.

No, ______________.

Did you work yesterday?
