quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2020

3ºD Inglês - 4º Bimestre - 2º Tema: The Grand Canyon - Prof Angela

                                 4º Bimestre - 2º Tema: The Grand Canyon


Faça a tradução do texto abaixo e responda os exercícios de interpretação de texto, entregar via classroom, data entrega: 13/11

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World, is located in the state of Arizona. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Formed by over 70 million years of erosion from the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon offers a spectacular view. The canyon spans 277 miles in length, up to 18 miles in width, and it measures over a mile in depth at its deepest points. Carlos always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon, and recently he received the chance to hike some of the trails and take several panoramic photographs during his visit.

When Carlos arrived at the visitor center, he watched a brief movie that taught tourists about the Grand Canyon National Park and the geological history of the canyon’s formation. Later, Carlos followed a hiking trail to become even further acquainted with the canyon. While walking through the trails, Carlos saw some tourists riding donkeys to traverse the canyon’s ridges. Throughout his hiking expedition, Carlos used a map to find some of the best hot spots for photographs within the canyon. He revisited some areas at different points in the day because sun angles and lighting can make a big difference in the quality of a photo.

Carlos was very pleased that he got to travel to the Grand Canyon. He loves hiking and photography, so this was the perfect outdoor experience for him. He posted all of his best pictures on social media, and his friends were amazed by his breathtaking, panoramic shots. 


Responde de acordo com as informações do texto

Leia o texto acima e escolha a opção correta:

Questão 1:
All of the following is true about the Grand Canyon except:
a It is a U.S. National Park.
b It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
c Its measurements are unknown.
d It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World. 
Questão 2:
What geological process best explains how the Grand Canyon formed?
a An earthquake
b A tsunami
c A volcanic eruption
d River erosion 
Questão 3:
What did Carlos do first during his trip?
a Hike the trails of the Grand Canyon.
b Find different spots to take photographs.
c Participate in a donkey tour along the ridges.
d Watch a short film at the visitor center. 
Questão 4:
Why did Carlos return to some of the hot spots for photographs?
a He realized his camera wasn’t working the first time.
b The sun angle and lighting influences photo quality.
c He accidentally deleted all of his earlier photographs.
d He got lost and needed to retrace his footsteps. 
Questão 5:
What did Carlos do with his pictures after his trip?
a He posted them on social media.
b He framed the photos to decorate his home.
c He had them developed and created an album.
d He used them as inspiration to write poetry.


2°A, B, D respostas correção WhatsAppinite.

 Correção questões WhatsAppinite.

Esta atividade não é mais aceita, devido a postagem destas respostas. obg. ATIVIDADES DE INTERPRETAÇÃO: 01 – A inflamação nos polegares causada pelo uso excessivo do smartphone e do WhatsApp recebe o nome de: a) Nitendinite; b) Nitendo thumb; c) Tendinite de SMS; d) WhatsAppinite. ( correta) 02 – “A interface DESSES aparelhos ainda precisa melhorar” O termo em destaque se refere a: a) Smartphones e tablets; (correta) b) Computadores; c) Celulares; d) Tablets. 03 – Na palavra WhatsAppinite o sufixo “ite” indica inflamação. Em qual palavra essa terminação “ite” NÃO indica inflamação? a) Gastrite; b) Bronquite; c) Apetite; ( correta) d) Sinusite 04 – O tema do texto é: a) Uso do celular b) WhatsAppinite (correta) c) Aplicativos de mensagens d) prevenção de doenças. 05 – São fatores que podem causar WhatsAppinite: a) Fortes dores nas mãos; b) Movimento contínuo e repetitivo com os polegares; (correta) c) Inflamação nos polegares e punhos; d) Abstinência total do telefone. 06 – Um fato presente no texto é: a) WhatsAppinite é mais comum do que se imagina; (correta) b) A interface desses aparelhos precisa melhorar: c) O caso foi descrito na revista de medicina “The Lancet”; d) Não dá para substituir o computador quando se quer ter saúde nas mãos. 07 – O objetivo da reportagem é: a) descrever ações e explicar; b) narrar um acontecimento e argumentar; (correta) d) orientar procedimentos e convencer; d) informar e comentar. 08 – “Exercícios localizados e fisioterapia ajudam a reduzir as dores." Nesse fragmento do texto as aspas foram usadas para: a) Indicar uma citação; (correta) b) Indicar humor; c) indicar ironia; d) indicar a opinião do autor do texto. 09 – Sobre a WhatsAppinite Mateus Saito e Rodrigo Peres: a) Dão dicas para evitar os problemas; (correta) b) Ressaltam a importância do diagnóstico; c). Discordam que seja um problema; d). Recomendam abstinência total. 10 – “SEGUNDO o ortopedista Mateus Saito” A palavra destacada no fragmento do texto indica: a) Causa b) Conformidade (correta) c) Tempo d) Oposição.

2ºA,2ºB,2ºC,2ºD - Inglês - 4ºBimestre - 2º Tema: Los Angeles - Prof Angela

                                          4ºBimestre - 2º Tema: Los Angeles 


Faça a tradução do texto e responda os exercícios de interpretação, envie pelo classroom, data entrega; 13/11

Los Angeles

Stephanie recently took a weekend trip to Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles is a coastal city situated along the Pacific Ocean. Many celebrities earned their claim to fame here. Although the town offers many attractions centered around Hollywood culture, there is a lot to see and visit in Los Angeles.

Of course, all things related to Hollywood are popular tourist attractions. The Hollywood Sign, located the Hollywood Hills of the Santa Monica Mountains, is a famous landmark for this star-studded town. Once in downtown Hollywood, it’s possible to take a stroll along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This landmark contains more than 2500 brass stars dedicated to celebrities who have made a significant impact on the entertainment industry. In Hollywood, visitors can even take tours of popular movie studios. Stephanie had a chance to visit Universal Studios, which produces her favorite films.

Los Angeles is also a popular beach town, offering plenty of opportunities for sunbathing and surfing. A common beach destination is the Santa Monica Pier, which offers rides and attractions to its visitors. Here, Stephanie rode the iconic Ferris wheel, which offered her a spectacular view of the city and coast.

These are just some of the things Stephanie experienced during her visit to Los Angeles. She loved her trip, and she hopes to return someday soon. 


Responde de acordo com as informações do texto

Leia o texto acima e escolha a opção correta:

Questão 1:
For how long did Stephanie visit Los Angeles?
a An afternoon
b Overnight
c A weekend
d A month 
Questão 2:
What is not a popular landmark for tourists to visit in Hollywood?
a Universal Studios
b The Walk of Fame
c The Hollywood Sign
d A Ferris wheel 
Questão 3:
To whom are the brass stars dedicated?
a Film directors
b Actors and actresses
c Musicians
d All of the above 
Questão 4:
What specifically gave Stephanie a spectacular view of the city and coast?
a The Hollywood Sign
b The Ferris wheel
c Santa Monica Pier
d The skyscrapers 
Questão 5:
Which of the following does not describe Los Angeles?
a A popular tourist destination
b An entertainment capital
c Stephanie’s hometown
d A coastal city

1ºF - Inglês - 4º Bimestre - 2ºTema: Chicago - Prof Angela

                                          4º Bimestre - 2ºTema: Chicago 


Faça a tradução do texto abaixo e responda aos exerci cios, enviar através do Classroom, data entrega: 13/11 


Keith recently came back from a trip to Chicago, Illinois. This midwestern metropolis is found along the shore of Lake Michigan. During his visit, Keith spent a lot of time exploring the city to visit important landmarks and monuments.

Keith loves baseball, and he made sure to take a visit to Wrigley Field. Not only did he take a tour of this spectacular stadium, but he also got to watch a Chicago Cubs game. In the stadium, Keith and the other fans cheered for the Cubs. Keith was happy that the Cubs won with a score of 5-4.

Chicago has many historic places to visit. Keith found the Chicago Water Tower impressive as it is one of the few remaining landmarks to have survived the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Keith also took a walk through Jackson Park, a great outdoor space that hosted the World’s Fair of 1892. The park is great for a leisurely stroll, and it still features some of the original architecture and replicas of monuments that were featured in the World’s Fair.

During the last part of his visit, Keith managed to climb the stairs inside of the Willis Tower, a 110-story skyscraper. Despite the challenge of climbing the many flights of stairs, Keith felt that reaching the top was worth the effort. From the rooftop, Keith received a gorgeous view of the city’s skyline with Lake Michigan in the background. 



Responde de acordo com as informações do texto

Leia o texto acima e escolha a opção correta:

Questão 1:
Where is Chicago in the United States?
a The south
b The midwest
c The east coast
d The west coast 
Questão 2:
What sport do the Chicago Cubs play in Wrigley Field?
a. Baseball
b Rugby
c Football
d Soccer 
Questão 3:
Why was Keith impressed by the Chicago Water Tower?
a It is one of few landmarks that survived a historical fire.
b It is the only remaining monument of the World’s Fair.
c It supplies water to the entire population.
d It is the tallest building in the city. 
Questão 4:
What event was important for Chicago in 1892?
a The World’s Fair took place here.
b Jackson Park became open to the public.
c The Great Fire destroyed a large part of the town.
d Wrigley Field was constructed. 
Questão 5:
How did Keith arrive to the rooftop of the Willis Tower?
a He took an outdoor elevator.
b He walked up the interior stairs.
c He climbed the building’s exterior.
d He used an indoor elevator.

9ºA,9ºB - Inglês - 4º Bimestre - 2º Tema: Global Threats - Prof Angela

                                       4ºBimestre - 2º tema: Global Threats


Assista ao vídeo abaixo, copie o conteúdo em seu caderno de inglês ( texto e exercícios), envie pelo classroom, data entrega: 13/11

8ºA,8ºB,8ºC - Inglês - 4ºBimestre - 2º Tema: What are your preferences? Prof Angela

                                         4º Bimestre - 2º Tema: What are your preferences?

Copie o conteúdo da aula abaixo (textos e resolva os exercícios) em seu caderno de inglês, envie através do Classroom, data entrega: 13/11

7ºC - Inglês - 4º Bimestre 2º Tema Abilities - Prof Angela

                                                 4º Bimestre - 2º Tema: Abilities

Copie o conteúdo de revisão ( textos e resolva os exercícios) em seu caderno de inglês e envie através do Classroom, data entrega: 13/11