quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2020

7°C, 8°A,B,C, 9°A,B lição de inglês - revisão

Assistar ao vídeo aula e respondam aos exercícios abaixo no caderno:


For general things: 
A - Before consonant sound
An - Before vowel sound

The - Used for specific things. 

Vamos completar 

1.What do you do?

I am __ student.

2.What does your brother do?

3.He is __ engineer.

4.I have __ cat and __ dog.

5.I have been waiting for __ hour.

6. My sister lives in __ beautiful house.

7. I am happy to see __ policeman who saved my cat.

8. __ moon looks so pretty tonight. 

9. I am having __coffee. It’s really good. I got __ coffee at Starbucks. 

Hope you enjoyed your homework