domingo, 3 de maio de 2020

1ºF - Inglês Professora Ângela

Assista ao vídeo abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( caso não tenha como digitar no Word, responda no caderno MAS COM LETRA LEGÍVEL), tire foto e envie para meu email:  entrega até 06/05/2020  NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SÉRIE

Past simple - Exercises

Follow the example
Regular verbs

Aff: Last night my sister washED the dishes
Neg: Last night my sister DIDN'T WASH the dishes
Int: What did your sister do last night?

Follow the example!
Follow the example
Aff: Last year my brother ________ (live) in another state.
Inter: ______________________________________________________________________

Aff: My mom ______________ ( watch) tv last night.

Follow the example
1. What did you do last night?
Ex: Last night I cleaned my house
And you?

What did you do last night?


Did you dance last night?
Yes, I did.
No, I did not.

Now it is your turn!

Did you wash the dishes last night?
Yes, _____________.
No, ______________.

Did you work yesterday?

Siga o exemplo!

Aff: I WENT to Brazil last month.
Neg: I DIDN'T GO  to Brazil last month
Int: Did you go to Brazil last month?

Agora sua vez de praticar!

Aff: They _________ (have) a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago
Neg: They __________ ___________a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago
Int: __________ they ____________ a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago?

What time did you wake up yesterday?