domingo, 3 de maio de 2020


Assista ao vídeo abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( caso não tenha como digitar, responda no caderno COM LETRA LEGÍVEL), tire uma foto e envie para meu email:    data entrega: 07/05/2020  NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SERIE.

acesse o link abaixo e copie esta matéria no caderno:
Exercício: Adjetivos demonstrativos - This, That, These, Those
Complete os espaços com o adjetivo demonstrativo correto: This, That, These ou Those.

1. Do you see boys over there? They're my cousins from New York.
2. - Wow, your earrings are so pretty!
- Thanks! I usually don't wear jewelry, but two are special!
3. - I love car!
- Which one?
- The gray one, next to the big truck.
4. - Do you remember shirts we saw at Macy's yesterday?
- Yes.
- They're on sale today. Let's go there and buy a few.
5. - Jane, is your bag?
- No, this one is Sara's.
6. - food is delicious! And it looks beautiful too.
- I'm glad you like it.
7. - Sorry I'm late!
- 's ok.
8. I like socks. They're so soft!