domingo, 3 de maio de 2020

7ºC, 8ºA,B,C, 9ºA e B INGLÊS - Revisão de conteúdo -  Prof Ângela

Assista ao vídeo abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( ou copie no caderno COM LETRA LEGÍVEL) tire uma foto e envie para meu e-mail  data entrega: 09/05/2020  NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SÉRIE

1. Complete the bank spaces with the right conjugation of the Simple Present Tense. Follow the example:

Example: Anne    loves    the Jane Austin's work. (love)

a) Cayo ________________to the College tonight. (go)
b) My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. (have)
c) Louise ____________________at the Brad's Office. (work)
d) I ___________________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)
e) The plain _______________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)

2. Unscramble the words and make questions in a Simple Present sentence. Look at the example:

Example: YOU – MEET – TO – WHOM – WANT
Whom do you want to meet?

a) WANT – YOU – WHY – TO – HERE – BE

3.Now turn the sentences below into negative form:

a) Why do you want to be here?
b) What's your favourite kind of movie?
c) Do you like your mother?
d) Does he live alone?
e) Does she like you?

Assista ao vídeo abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( caso não tenha como digitar, responda no caderno COM LETRA LEGÍVEL), tire uma foto e envie para meu email:    data entrega: 07/05/2020  NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SERIE.

acesse o link abaixo e copie esta matéria no caderno:
Exercício: Adjetivos demonstrativos - This, That, These, Those
Complete os espaços com o adjetivo demonstrativo correto: This, That, These ou Those.

1. Do you see boys over there? They're my cousins from New York.
2. - Wow, your earrings are so pretty!
- Thanks! I usually don't wear jewelry, but two are special!
3. - I love car!
- Which one?
- The gray one, next to the big truck.
4. - Do you remember shirts we saw at Macy's yesterday?
- Yes.
- They're on sale today. Let's go there and buy a few.
5. - Jane, is your bag?
- No, this one is Sara's.
6. - food is delicious! And it looks beautiful too.
- I'm glad you like it.
7. - Sorry I'm late!
- 's ok.
8. I like socks. They're so soft!

1ºF - Inglês Professora Ângela

Assista ao vídeo abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( caso não tenha como digitar no Word, responda no caderno MAS COM LETRA LEGÍVEL), tire foto e envie para meu email:  entrega até 06/05/2020  NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SÉRIE

Past simple - Exercises

Follow the example
Regular verbs

Aff: Last night my sister washED the dishes
Neg: Last night my sister DIDN'T WASH the dishes
Int: What did your sister do last night?

Follow the example!
Follow the example
Aff: Last year my brother ________ (live) in another state.
Inter: ______________________________________________________________________

Aff: My mom ______________ ( watch) tv last night.

Follow the example
1. What did you do last night?
Ex: Last night I cleaned my house
And you?

What did you do last night?


Did you dance last night?
Yes, I did.
No, I did not.

Now it is your turn!

Did you wash the dishes last night?
Yes, _____________.
No, ______________.

Did you work yesterday?

Siga o exemplo!

Aff: I WENT to Brazil last month.
Neg: I DIDN'T GO  to Brazil last month
Int: Did you go to Brazil last month?

Agora sua vez de praticar!

Aff: They _________ (have) a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago
Neg: They __________ ___________a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago
Int: __________ they ____________ a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago?

What time did you wake up yesterday?
2ºA,B,C,D  - Inglês Professora Ângela

Assista aos vídeos abaixo, copie e responda os exercícios no Word ( caso não tenha como digitar no Word faça no caderno COM LETRA LEGÍVEL), tire foto e envie para meu email:    data entrega: 06/05/2020   NÃO ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR NOME, Nº E SÉRIE.

 copiar no caderno: 

O future GOING TO é usado nas seguintes situações:

  • Planned or Prepared action. 

Next year my husband and I are going to go to Brazil. 

  • SURE ( Você tem certeza que algo vai acontecer)

We found the perfect house. We are going to buy it tomorrow morning. 


I am going to study English.
I am not going to study English.
Am I going to study English?
You -  We - They 
You are going to study English. 
We are not going to study English.
Are they going to study English?
He - She - It
He is going to study English. 
She is not going to study English.
Is he going to study English?

  • GONNA (Informal contexts)

Gonna = going to 
Gonna é somente usado em situações informais. Sempre vai precisar do verbo to be e pode ser usado nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. 

Exemplos abaixo:

I am gonna study English tomorrow = I am going to study English tomorrow. 
Are you gonna do that? = Are you going to do that?
She is not gonna go to the party tonight.  = She is not going to go to the party tonight.
They are gonna visit Brazil in a week.  = They are going to visit Brazil in a week.
She is gonna play soccer next year.  = She is going to play soccer next year. 

Signal words:

Tomorrow, next year, in one month, in two years, next semester, next week. 

Exercícios (entregar)

1. Passe as frases para as formas negativas e interrogativas:

  1. I am going to go to the mall next Saturday.

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

      b) My dad is going to buy a new car. 

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

    c) My husband and I are going to travel to San Francisco in our next vacation. 

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

d) My sister is going to visit me next year.

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________

 Copiar no carderno

O future WILL é usado nas seguintes situações:

  • Decisoes espontaneas 
Ex. Wait, I will help you wash the dishes

  • Uma promessa 
Ex. Santa, if you give me a bike for Christmas,  I promise I will be a good girl next year

  • Incerteza 
Ex. I think I will go to the mall tomorrow night

  • Previsão do futuro
Ex. It will rain tomorrow.

Ou seja, em geral o futuro WILL é usado para aquilo que você não tem muita certeza. When you are NOT SURE. 

I will work tomorrow
I will not work tomorrow
Will I work tomorrow?
He/ she/ it will work tomorrow 
He/ she/ it will not work tomorrow 
Will he work tomorrow?
you/ we / they will work tomorrow 
you/ we / they will not work tomorrow 
Will you work tomorrow ?

  • I will not =  I won’t 
  • I will = I’ll 
  • I will not = I’ll not

Exercícios (Entregar)

  1. Passe para a negativa e interrogativa.

Tomorrow I will go to the grocery store.

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

I think my brother will come to the party tonight

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

My mom and my dad will start English classes next year

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

It will snow next week 

Negative form _________________________________________________________________
Interrogative form ______________________________________________________________

2. Complete as frases usando o futuro will e os verbos em parênteses. 

  1. We __________ (save) the planet.
  2. Tomorrow the sun ____________ (shine) again.
  3. My brother ____________ (visit) me next year.

3. Complete com o verbo adequado.

When I am older … ( Quando eu ficar mais velho …)
1.Will Help  2. Will Buy  3. Will Have  4. Will Go

  • When I am older I ___________ kids.
  • When I am older I ____________ a house.
  • When I am older I ____________ to Europe.
  • When I am older I ____________ other people.

     Copiar no caderno 

    Future Will x Going to
  •  Will - Decisao imediata, rápida. ( believe, think, probably)
I think I will buy a new car. 
I believe I will go to Brazil next year. 

  •  Going to - Decisão tomada antes da fala. É algo mais planejado  e por causa disso, se torna um futuro mais certo (sure).

Why did you buy tickets to Brazil?
Because I am going to visit my family next year. 

Exercise! ( Entregar)
Complete with Will or going to 

  1. I am really tired. I think I ______ rest a little bit.
  2. Why are you selling your car? I _________ to buy a new one. 
  3. Would you like some coffee? Yes, I _______ have some, thank you!
  4. We have already decided. We _________ to buy a new house. 
  5. What are your plans for the weekend? We believe we ________ stay home. 
  6.  Do you want some soup or pasta? I _____ have some pasta, please. 
  7. We need more milk. I _______ ask my brother to get some more.
  8.  We promise next year we _______ go to Brazil.
  9. I have a headache. 
         Lay down a little bit. I _____ get you an aspirin. 
      10. Look at the sky! It _______ rain.